Grey Goose Vodka 1L

Grey Goose Vodka 1L

Irish Whiskey Original 1L

Irish Whiskey Original 1L


Malibu Original - Nothing beats an original, and Malibu is not only an original, it is the world’s best-selling Caribbean rum with coconut liqueur. This gives Malibu a great taste and makes it an easy to drink and mix product. Product History: Malibu is an... Read More
Location: Brownsville Gateway Bridge

***Online orders must be placed by 4:00pm Monday-Saturday and by 3:00pm on Sundays.***

Availability: In stock
Product Info: Malibu Original - Nothing beats an original, and Malibu is not only an original, it is the world’s best-selling Caribbean rum with natural coconut flavor. The taste of Malibu is sunshine in a - smooth, fresh coconut flavor with a sweet finish - perfect for bringing the sun-kissed island to anytime. Malibu has a full, rounded coconut aroma, lightly toasted, and a creamy meaty coconut taste with vanilla custard notes. The body is full and creamy with a soft warming rum taste and a lasting silky finish. This gives Malibu a refreshing taste and makes it an easy to drink and mix product. Tasting Notes: Colour: Clear. Nose: Light, creamy, fresh, sweet, vanilla and coconut. Taste: Coconut flavoured Caribbean rum- smooth, fresh & natural coconut flavour. Well balanced between rum, coconut, and vanilla. Brand/Product History: Malibu is an original Caribbean coconut rum, that was born and lives in a place where the spirit of summer shines all year round.